Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weighing In

I was thinking last night, you know, I should have weighed myself and taken some measurements or pictures or something when I decided to recommit to this blog! Of course I didn't want to do it then because I have always heard you should weigh yourself in the mornings, so I waited for morning.  I stepped on the scale, and I was actually pleasantly surprised to find I was at my lowest weight I've been at so far in 2014. I did not have time to take my measurements before heading off for the day, but plan to tonight.  I debated over whether or not to post my weight or not and decided not.  The reason is because for me, it's not really about the number, it's about how I look and how I feel. Which then led me to the dreaded thought, does that mean I have to post pictures?  Oh no. Let me tell you,  I would much prefer to share my weight than pictures showing off my body at this stage. But, I suppose that is the right thing to do. So, coming soon.

"Will I run today? ",  yes,  I am currently taking a break from swimming laps at the pool, which is much more difficult than I expected!

And I'm sure you were wondering about yesterday's "Will I run today? ",  heck no. Oops. But I did pass up a vanilla Pepsi from Jiffy Treat...that counts, doesn't it?

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