Monday, June 30, 2014

Water, Please?

Something I always struggle with is drinking enough water. The problem is not that I am drinking other fluids besides water, just that I don't drink much at all. I think I feel fine,  but I know there is no way I am properly hydrated. I have went through phases of trying to drink more water, even coming up with plans of how much I was going to drink and when. Of course,  I never stick with it for long. That is the main problem for me in many aspects,  wanting to make changes, but not following through long term. I don't stick with anything long enough for it to become a natural part of my life, a habit. Does anyone have any suggestions for creating a habit?

"Will I run today? ", yes. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Promise is a Promise

I am so excited.  Our family got a trampoline today! I can almost guarantee that this is going to greatly increase my physical activity! 

I'm going to share my "before" pictures on this post, as promised. 

"Will I run today? ",  yes! I did cardio intervals this morning and jumped on the trampoline tonight.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weighing In

I was thinking last night, you know, I should have weighed myself and taken some measurements or pictures or something when I decided to recommit to this blog! Of course I didn't want to do it then because I have always heard you should weigh yourself in the mornings, so I waited for morning.  I stepped on the scale, and I was actually pleasantly surprised to find I was at my lowest weight I've been at so far in 2014. I did not have time to take my measurements before heading off for the day, but plan to tonight.  I debated over whether or not to post my weight or not and decided not.  The reason is because for me, it's not really about the number, it's about how I look and how I feel. Which then led me to the dreaded thought, does that mean I have to post pictures?  Oh no. Let me tell you,  I would much prefer to share my weight than pictures showing off my body at this stage. But, I suppose that is the right thing to do. So, coming soon.

"Will I run today? ",  yes,  I am currently taking a break from swimming laps at the pool, which is much more difficult than I expected!

And I'm sure you were wondering about yesterday's "Will I run today? ",  heck no. Oops. But I did pass up a vanilla Pepsi from Jiffy Treat...that counts, doesn't it?

Excuses, Excuses

It seems I can pretty much always come up with what feels like a legitimate reason not to exercise. I even tried it today. My plan was to take a walk after I picked my daughter up from her gymnastics class at 2:30.  While she was at class, I changed into my walking attire,  informed my other daughter to be prepared to go for a walk soon and then waited till the time was right. What happened next? Well, it was only pouring down rain when I left to pick her up! Guess I don't have to exercise after all! I kept thinking about it throughout the afternoon.  I left my work out clothes on...just in case. By the time I finished up at my daughter's karate class at 7:30, then ate supper and knocked off a few work tasks, I was thinking, it's too late now. No exercise for me today,  darn it! (That darn it was sarcastic) But do you know what? I did something that I never do. I said you know what, there IS time, and when I got home I went for a 45 minute walk.

Surely I'm not the only one who can always come up with a good reason why working out is just not going to work out for me let's hear your most common excuse in the comments!

"Will I run today?", yes, I can't believe it, but, yes.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Maybe Cardio?

Over the past couple of years I have talked about, and taken short lived action towards,  my desire to exercise regularly and eat healthily. As you may have gathered, my motivation and follow through have been fleeting at best. However,  the past three to four months I have been a bit more serious.  I have participated in several exercise classes and even worked out with a trainer. I experimented with green smoothies, transitioned to whole grains and moved more towards trying to prioritize minimizing processed foods. Even though I did not completely cut out any type of foods or exercise every day, I felt like I was living a much healthier lifestyle than I had previously. While I have seen progress in my strength and what I am physically capable of, I have not seen any real changes in weight, clothing fit or appearance,  which has been more than slightly frustrating.  While making excuses and beating myself up to my much more disciplined, healthy eating, physically fit sister (of course she shut all my excuses about the difficulty of eating healthy and exercising with a family down), she suggested that I probably need to increase my cardio if I want to see some results.  So, that is my new plan, in addition to jumping back on the wagon of planning and preparing healthy meals, I am hoping this may be the answer I have been needing.

So, "Will I run today? ",  yes. I spent 40 minutes alternating running and walking this morning.  It was hot, I was tired and I can't really say I liked it a lot,  but I did it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Shift in Focus

After a long hiatus from writing,  I have decided to return in hopes of finding some inspiration and motivation in putting my experiences, thoughts, questions, successes and failures out there into the online world.

When I started this particular blog several years ago my focus was on running and training for a mini marathon.  At this point, that is no longer my focus, though I decided to return to using this blog and retain the original name even though my focus is not specifically running. You may wonder then, what is my focus? Well, my plan for this blog is to focus on fitness and physical activity in general, as well as a healthy lifestyle, which could include nutrition, mental well being,  as well as other topics that could fall into the category of taking care of yourself and making strides toward a healthier life, from a down to earth and real perspective,  likely with a little bit of humor and embarrassment mixed in.

One of my desires for this blog is to be a source of accountability for me in my fitness goals. My intention is to post daily always answering the question, "Will I run today?"  Though instead of this being a literal question,  it will more be a chance for me to share what (if any) steps I took towards my fitness and health goals that day.

I invite you to try to find something you can relate to or use in my sharing and to share your own stories,  strugggles, and encouragement.