Thursday, May 19, 2011

Watch Out, Here I Come

Well, I am sort of a runner....okay, probably not, according to most people's definitions.  I have ran would be a better descriptor.  A year ago I ran the Indianapolis Mini Marathon with little training, so I know that I can run, I just usually don't.  I think I want to run, but I use the same old excuses of no time, and/or bad weather.  Recently I have committed to doing the Mini in 2012, so I must do some running in the next year.  As usual, I have been procrastinating my first run.  Oh, I was too busy last week, it has been too cold and wet this know, same old story.  So, yesterday I decided that I had to get out and run one mile this morning NO MATTER WHAT.  No matter what the weather was like when I got up, no matter what else I needed or wanted to do, well, this morning is here.  I am in my running attire.  My mp3 player is charged and in my SPIbelt.  My running shoes are tied.  I am ready to go.  I will run today!  I will run today!